Lorenzo Intisaar's Portfolio

silver MacBook Air on table near iMac
silver MacBook Air on table near iMac
post-2014 iPhone beside Apple AirPods and succulent plant on white surface
post-2014 iPhone beside Apple AirPods and succulent plant on white surface

Developed state employment application including design, HTML using CSS, wireframes, mock-ups, Figma prototypes, AB testing, SEO. Development libraries. Induction: personas and workflow detailing process to creating your account

Password: Mdes2021

MDES – Mississippi Department of Employment Services

Designed interface for chargeback and refund section. Helped develop HTML. Designed with Adobe XD, Photoshop, and Illustrator. Developed Figma. Created icons and logos in Illustrator. Worked closely with developers to bring wireframes and prototypes to reality. Conducted usability and accessibility testing.

7/12/2019 3/11/2020

WorldPay – Cincinnati, Ohio

Click Image for case study

Help design and develop the Bakkt Bitcoin App. Designed with Designed with Figma Photoshop, and Illustrator. HTML CSS. Created icons and logos in Illustrator. Worked closely with developers to bring wireframes, prototypes, and ADA standard

3/12/2018 7/1/2019

Bakkt – Atlanta, Georgia
click image for case study
Design Process - Ideation

My approach to ideation varies depending on the project the logo, company colors, theme, and objectives all come into consideration when selecting the look and feel for an application.

Design Process - Color

Colors that are used throughout the application Usage of color is used based on its definition. This creates a flow of familiarity, done correctly an experienced user could navigate the application without needing to read a single word

Design Process - Font

The image depicts the areas the font is used, the size of the font for those uses and whether the font is bold block or image based . Like Color font usage for navigation and overall use of an application

Design Process - Indentation & Spacing

Indentation and headings between the heading and body test are to be consistent

Design Process - Icons

Depiction of form style and spacing

Design Process - Forms

Create a directory with all of the icons being used for future reference

Design Process - Logos & Banners

- Large Banner Logo
-Small Logo
-Icon Logo

Design Process - Interactions

Used to engage information on the page interactions may change in color shape size or visibility to display the manipulation of an element in a specific manner

Design Process - Overlays & Pop-ups

Overlays used for such notifications as tooltip information, prompts, and extra activities the user may have to complete that are not apart of the high frequency flow

Design Process -Lists & Tables

Look and feel may vary these are used to display multiple sets of data including dates, addresses, names, and financial data.

Design Process -Header & Footer

Headers and footers should be on all pages. The header should remain fixed at the top of the page when scrolling. In case of mobile orientation the text can be reduced to a hamburger menu.

Design Process -Breakpoints

Usually broken into sections of 8 or 12 breakpoints provide screen size transitions that generalize from desktop to tablet and tablet to mobile. Smooth transitions result in a responsive design

Initially everything starts off with a happy path however the error message is necessary for those not so happy moments where the user veers off into the beaten path the look and feel of the error messages with colors consisting of red yellow and orange are a necessary staple in an application that can help the user complete his task with minimal missed entries

Design Process - Error Messages
black and white bed linen

Lorenzo Intisaar Design

Explore the sleek and minimalist portfolio showcasing the UI/UX design aesthetics of Lorenzo D Intisaar.